IMSTC 2018

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IMSTC (Indonesian Medical Students’ Training and Competition) is an AMSA-Indonesia annual event which consists of Scientific Paper, Scientific Poster, Public Poster, Videography, and Photography competitions and trainings. On this 2018, IMSTC was hosted by AMSA-Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana in Jakarta with the theme “MEDICINE: Minimizing Infectious Diseases in Children” from February 8th – 11th 2018. This event was attended by more than 200 medical students around Indonesia.

This year, AMSA-Brawijaya sent 19 delegates to this event, consisting of 1 Representative, 1 EB AMSA-Indonesia, 1 National Team, 8 General Delegates, and 8 Academic Delegates. On the first day, the delegates gathered at the auditorium of the campus for the Welcoming Party. During the Welcoming Party, the speeches from the Regional Chairperson, the Representative of AMSA-UKRIDA, and the Project Officer of IMSTC 2018 were delivered. After that, there were presentations about the latest AMSEP affairs. Then, the delegates proceeded to have the welcoming dinner. To close the night off, the delegates enjoyed a musical performance from the committees.

On the second day, the delegates started the day at Faculty of Medicine Krida Wacana Christian University's auditorium by having three seminars with various topics. After the seminars were over, the delegates were divided into smaller groups for Small Class Training session on Scientific Paper which lasted until lunch time. Then, the delegates continued to have the second Small Class Training session on the topic that they were interested in, ranging from Scientific Poster, Public Poster, Photography and Videography. When the Small Class Training was over, the delegates gathered together again in the auditorium to hear some talks delivered by speakers from the World Health Organization, IDI and Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik. Right after the talks, all delegates were trained to experience a Mini Advocacy Simulation led by the speaker from IDI. Following the Mini Advocacy Simulation, the delegates were having the technical meeting for competitions which would be held on the next day. After that, the delegates enjoyed the culinary night at Central Park Mall. Later that night some of the delegates were staying up to practice for the competition and cultural night performances on the next day.

On the third day, was the day of academic competition was held. Finalists from various universities presented their work, ranging from scientific paper, scientific poster, public poster, photography, to videography. AMSA-Brawijaya sent 2 teams for scientific paper (1st: Theresa Puspanadi, Alexander Fernando, Adisty Aulia Kamarani, 2nd: Gusti Rajendra Yoga, Theodore Isaac, Ajeng Maharani Putri), 2 teams for scientific poster (1st: Alexander Fernando, Andra Danika, Livia Lailita Sari, 2nd: Aulia Fahira, Reselina Utami, Ajeng Maharani Putri), 2 teams for public poster (1st: Andra Danika, Hanna Melisa, Adolf Gideon, 2nd: Maulana Wildan, Michelle Rimbawan, Novelina Gracea), 1 team for videography (Lois Theodora, Beatrice Patricia, Lazuardi Taniputra), and 1 for photography (Priscilla Christina Natan). After that, all delegates gathered at the auditorium of campus to attend AMSA-Indonesia Session to introduce all the delegates about AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA International. High enthusiasm from all delegates was clearly seen when they saw the bigger picture of AMSA and what we've been doing until now. The event continued with a presentation from NRPC winners about the progress of R-Project and partnership time by Elsevier and Medical Quiz with Kaplan. After all activity on campus, all delegates headed to the farewell party in the evening. During the farewell party, each district of AMSA-Indonesia held their cultural booths and represented their respective regions. There was also AMSA-Indonesia’s district performances and of course the announcement of IMSTC winners. AMSA-Brawijaya won a total of 6 prizes, they were 1st and 2nd place Scientific Paper, 1st place Scientific Poster, 2nd place Public Poster, 2nd place Videography, and the Most Favourite Public Poster.

On the last day, all of the delegates participated in a social act that was held at Rusunawa Pesakih and continued with a city tour to the national gallery. Finally the delegates went to airport and headed back to Malang. The delegates were more than happy to be able to take part in National Event and also made AMSA-Brawijaya and FKUB proud.

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EAMSC 2018 : Nepal

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Hari ke 1:
Pada hari ini, kami berangkat ke Nepal dari bandara Soekarno Hatta. Kami sampai di Nepal pada pukul 2 GMT 5.15 waktu Nepal. Kami kemudian pergi ke hotel dengan bis dan melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu. Jam 4 sore, kami mengadakan ice breaking di setiap group. Kemudian kami beristirahat dan bergabung dalam acara Pesta Penyambutan pada pukul 7 malam. Pukul 11 malam sampai jam 1 pagi keesokan harinya, kami mengadakan pertemuan AMSA-Indonesia dan berlatih untuk cultural performance.

Hari ke 2:
Kami sarapan pagi di hotel, lalu ikut upacara pembukaan. Ibu negara Nepal juga memberikan sambutan pada upacara pembukaan tersebut. Setelah itu, kami bergabung dalam sesi kuliah pakar tentang epidemiologi masalah neonatus dan ibu di Nepal, dan bagaimana mereka mengelolanya. Kami kemudian makan siang dan melakukan workshop skill tentang Resusitasi neonates. Dosen berasal dari Nepal Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine (NADEM). Kami kemudian pergi ke Bhaktapur Durbar Square dan berburu harta karun di sana. Kelompok yang memenangkan pertandingan akan mendapatkan MoMo tak terbatas untuk makan malam! Setelah bermain game berburu harta karun, kami makan malam di MoMo Restaurant. Dari jam 11 malam sampai jam 1 pagi (hari berikutnya), kami melakukan pertemuan AMSA-Indonesia dan latihan untuk pertunjukan cultural performance.

Hari ke 3:
Hari ini, delegasi akademik Indonesia dari Universitas Indonesia mempresentasikan white paper dan video mereka di kompetisi ini. Setelah menyaksikan presentasi, kami makan siang dan pergi ke fasilitas perawatan kesehatan tersier dan sekunder untuk tur masyarakat. Di fasilitas perawatan kesehatan, mereka memberi kuliah terlebih dahulu tentang Angka Kematian Ibu di Nepal, kemudian membawa kami berkeliling. Kemudian, kami pergi ke Patan Durbar Square untuk berwisata, tetapi beberapa dari kami pergi untuk bermain sepakbola terlebih dahulu. Ada pertandingan sepak bola antara tim Nepal dan tim delegasi. Kami makan tradisional adat thakali saat malam dan berpesta di alun-alun. Kami kemudian kembali ke hotel dan melakukan pertemuan AMSA-Indonesia seperti kemarin.

Hari ke 4:
Pada hari ke 4, delegasi AMSA Brawijaya mempresentasikan scientific paper. Para juri memperhatikan dengan seksama dan tim kami mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik. Kompetisi scientific poster berlangsung setelah waktu makan siang. Kemudian delegasi menuju Swoyambunath, sebuah candi di atas bukit di Kathmandu Valley, bagian barat dari Kathmandu. Disana terdapat banyak sekali stupa dan anak tangga. Setelah beberapa lama, kami berkunjung ke Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital untuk mengikuti Cultural Exchange MoMo Fiesta. Kami mencoba beberapa pakaian tradisional masyarakat Nepal, Tibet, dan Himalaya, belajar bahasa Nepal, juga memainkan beberapa alat musik Nepal yang mirip dengan gendang dari Indonesia. Malamnya kami kembali ke hotel dan mengikuti Cultural Night, dimana delegasi Indonesia menampilkan choir lagu tradisional, tari – tarian, dan flashmob.

Hari ke 5:
Hari ke 5 diawali dengan kunjungan delegasi ke Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. Kami belajar bersama tentang problem based learning, lab skill, dan simulasi workshop. Perjalanan berlanjut menuju Pashupatinath yang bertempat di tepi sungai Bagmati, 5 km dari Kathmandu Valley. Kompleks candi ini merupakan situs warisan dunia UNESCO sejak 1979. Pada tangga yang menuju langsung ke sungai, dibuat plato (peninggian) yang digunakan untuk kremasi terbuka, yang merupakan kegiatan sehari – hari yang menarik perhatian banyak pengunjung. Kemudian kami kembali ke hotel dan melangsungkan Cultural Booth dimana kami saling mencicipi makanan, minuman khas dari negara masing-masing. Malamnya kami bersama GM melakukan aktivitas bersama untuk terakhir kalinya.

Hari ke 6:
Pada hari ke 6, hari terakhir dari seluruh rangkaian EAMSC, kami menghadiri upacara penutupan dan pengumuman pemenang. Delegasi dari Indonesia mendapatkan juara 3 dalam bidang scientific poster.
Kami memberi selamat kepada para pemenang, berfoto bersama teman – teman delegasi dari negara lain yang terakhir kali, dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal. Tangis bahagia pecah dengan sendirinya mengingat betapa baik dan tulus mereka memperlakukan kami selama di Nepal, dan delegasi kami mendapat banyak pengalaman, momen yang tak terlupakan, teman dan sahabat, yang seketika itu juga menjadi keluarga baru. Kami kemudian mengunjungi Thamel untuk makan siang dan berbelanja oleh – oleh, sebelum pergi ke bandara.

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Profile of AMSA

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Asian Medical Students' Association or AMSA is an organization of medical students across Asia, Asia Pasific, Australia and beyond. It's purpose to facilitate medical student to share knowledge about health issue, undertake social and community services, and also create international and trans-continental friendship. AMSA-Brawijaya is a member of AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA-International. AMSA-Brawijaya was officially founded in the 12th of June 2001.

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Structural Board of AMSA-Brawijaya 2018

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Here's the division of AMSA-Brawijaya


Research and Academic (RnA) is a division that support and optimalize member of AMSA-Brawijaya in the field of science in order to be competitive in national and international competition.

Project :
  • IMSTC (Indonesian Medical Student Training and Competition) 

    A series of events consisting of competition, workshop about health and scientific paper training, scientific poster, public poster, photography, and videography, and social action and cultural night which is very interesting and useful to improve competitiveness and quality of human resources of AMSA-Brawijaya.
  • AMSC (East Asian Medical Student Conference) 

    A series of events consisting of competitions, workshops, seminars, hospital visit, social act, cultural workshop and AMSA-International session.

    This is the annual international competition of Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology organized by the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. Previously there will be a selection of written tests and interviews, to select the participants. The selected participants will be given training for the preparation of the contest.
  • EXTRACTION (Essential Training for Competition)  

    It is a training event aimed for AMSA-Brawijaya members as well as preparation of competitions in the field of papers, posters, photography, videography, and public speaking. 


Membership and Development (MnD) is the division that coordinate all activities of AMSA-Brawijaya associated with the regeneration and management of human resources of AMSA-Brawijaya itself.

Project : 

  • AMINOGENESIS (AMSA-Brawijaya New Generation Recruitment and Training Session) 

    A series of events from open recruitment, training session until inauguration for new member of AMSA-Brawijaya.
  • ABROAD (AMSA-Brawijaya Outstanding Leadership Training and 2nd Annual Meeting) 

    It is a series of events held in villas for AMSA-Brawijaya members filled with AMSA-Brawijaya birthday anniversary, discussing AMSA-Brawijaya Management Accountability Report for 6 months and held leadership training
  • MUBES (Musyawarah Besar) 

    A series of event consist of : 
    •  Preparation of AD/ART AMSA-Brawijaya 2018-2019
    • Accountability report of 2017-2018 
    • And the election of Executive Board of AMSA-Brawijaya 2018-2019


Publication and Promotion (PnP) maintain communication between AMSA-Brawijaya and other organization in Brawijaya University. And also promote AMSA-Brawijaya and AMSA-Indonesia to the society.

Project :
  •  AMSA Exhibition 

    A series of events consisting of public poster competition, food party, photo contest which aims to introduce structural boards and divisions in AMSA-Brawijaya for candidates of new members.
  • Multimedia and Journalistic Team 

    A team to be formed as admin of the website, social media and wall magazine for expo lembaga of AMSA. This team will promote and publish many events of AMSA-Brawijaya. The team was formed to share information on the latest health facts, on certain health anniversaries. With hope, AMSA-Brawijaya can go public and give benefits for the society.


Community Outreach (CO) is a division in AMSA-Brawijaya which focusing on organizing social events or programs in AMSA-Brawijaya. The purpose is to raise awareness and health and to improve social life and experiences in community service for AMSA-Brawijaya members.

Project :
  • EOTY (Event of The Year): ADRENALINE (Action Dedicated on Raising Nations Awareness of Health) 

    A series of event consist of online campaign, health counseling, and free medical checkup for the community.
  • AORTA (Action on Ramadhan with AMSA Brawijaya)

    A series of event consist of charity in Ramadhan Month, Safari Ramadhan in orphanage  and Sahur on The Road
  • ACROMION (Aware of Cancer through Charity and Love for Children of Nation)

    Charity for Children Cancer Fighters in RSSA, Weekly visit and Month's Event to share happiness.


CLUB is the only division in FKUB that responsible to support and improve the english skills of AMSA-Brawijaya members.

Project :
  • NAE (National Action Event) 2018 

    A series of events consisting of debate competition, social action, and AMSA-Indonesia session.

    Activities that include the provision of materials on TOEFL and the importance of TOEFL, Tips and Tricks to answer TOEFL questions, and Try Out TOEFL
  •  Medition (Medical English Competition) 

    This is the debate competition that raises issues around health for High School Students in Java and Bali Island.
  • AMSA Debate Club

    There will be training and discussion in each month. Members will practice debates and form teams to prepare for debate competitions such as UBDC and NAE.


    The series of events organized to include seminars, conferences and tours of Bandung. There are 4 categories of awards that can be obtained, namely Best Delegates, Outstanding Delegates, Honorable Mention, and Best Position Paper. Model United Nations (MUN) is an academic simulation of the work of the United Nations (United Nations) which aims to educate participants how the international and diplomatic negotiations are processed.


Asian Medical Student Exchange Program (AMSEP) is a division that works in exchange student program. Either it's an International or national exchange program. AMSEP also makes connection outside AMSA-Brawijaya in purpose to send-out/welcoming delegations from AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA-International.

  • AIJECT (AMSA Inbound Project)

    This is the hosting event that consist of expert lecture & small group discussion, social action to one of the elementary school & NGOs in Malang, visit to hospital, introduction of Malang culture & city tour.

  • AMSEP (Asian Medical Student Exchange Program)

    All exchange activities will be governed by the State of destination where each activity will always have academic, cultural, and social action components.

  • MUNAS (Musyawarah Nasional) 

    An activity organized by AMSA Indonesia on a regular basis at the end of each stewardship as a report of responsibility for the proposed work program and the selection of new stewardship.

  • RAKERNAS (Rapat Kerja Nasional) 

    A regular agenda of AMSA Indonesia, which contains AMSA Indonesia work program exposure for one year stewardship as well as building the national events of AMSA Indonesia.

  • NLT (National Leadership Training)

    National Leadership Training is a regular agenda of AMSA Indonesia which is followed by AMSA University. This activity aims to train leadership skills from AMSA-Indonesia member.

  • AXF (AMSA-Brawijaya Exchange Fair)

    An event that outlines the exchange of AMSA-Brawijaya that consist of talk shows with exchange participants who have experience related exchange at AMSA-Brwaijaya and exhibition through booth from the various destination countries exchange.


Entrepreneurship Team (ET). As can be seen from its name, is the division in charge of finding sponsorship donation and coordinates funds for AMSA-Brawijaya

Project : 
  •  Eshop : Online Shop

    Creating an online shop on instagram that contains items such as accessories, make up, campus needs, items that adjust to the current trend.

  •  Merchandise Competition 

    This event is purposed to new member of AMSA-Brawijaya to create 2 different designs, can be AMSA or FKUB design. Works can be in the form of hand drawings or graphic design.

  • Creashop : Talkshow about Entrepreneurship

    Creashop is a seminar and talk show about entrepreneurship and how to start a business. This seminar will be delivered by a competent speaker in the field, a young entrepreneur who can inspire.

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